Classique [by designation] : furniture & objets d'art

Wednesday 07 February 2024 13:30
Kâ-Mondo , 17, passage Verdeau 75009 Paris
Sale information



Chez Kâ- Mondo, 15/17 passage Verdeau, 75009 PARIS

AT 1:30 PM

[By designation]

Furniture and Works of Art

Public exhibitions: in SAINT OUEN: at LTSE, Parc des Docks, 50 rue Ardoin, BAT C et D 556, 93400 SAINT OUEN

Tuesday February 6, 9am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 5pm

1 to 3: Mannettes

4 : Wines

5 to 14 : Books

15 to 60 : Paintings

61 to 93 : Silverware

94 to 125: Glassware

126 to 145 : Porcelain and ceramics

146 to 150 : Primitive arts

151 to 210 : Asian arts

211 to 212: Toys

213 to 223 : Scientific instruments

224 to 230: Music

231 to 271: Works of art

272 to 282 : Cameras and HI-FI equipment

283 to 297 : Lighting

298 to 303: Mirrors

304 to 388: Furniture

389 to 391: Carpets

No telephone orders!

No condition reports!

!!! Attention !!! : Storage fees at Saint-Ouen from Thursday, February 15, 2024 (5 working days storage offered)

Lots will ONLY be retrieved from the place where they were exhibited.

Storage at LTSE is offered for 5 working days following the sale, after which the following charges apply:

- 5 € HT / lot of objects / day

- 10 € HT / furniture lot / day

Sales conditions