Lot n° 8
Estimation :
1800 - 2500
Result without fees
: 2 200EUR
LA PLÉIADE. 137 vols. de la Bibliothèque and 1 vol. d'Album - Lot 8
LA PLÉIADE. 137 vols. de la Bibliothèque and 1 vol. d'Album de La Pléiade in-12, publisher's bindings, most with half-jacket and rhodoïd (qq. traces of moisture, rhodoïd spines sunned, rare small dech. to rhodoïds) :
- (121) APOLLINAIRE: OEuvres poétiques. 1959. Half-jacket, rhodoid.
- (26) BALZAC. La comédie humaine. 12 vols. 1959-1981.
- (1+7) BAUDELAIRE. Complete works. 2 vols. 1975-1976.
- (55) BERNANOS. OEuvres romanesques. 1963.
- (120) BIBLE (La). Old Testament. 1956. 2 vols (T.1 without half-jacket).
- (226) BIBLE (The). New Testament. 1976.
- (188) BOILEAU. Complete works. 1966.
- (33). BOSSUET. Complete works. 1970.
- (157+252) CELINE. Romans I et II. 2 vols. 1973-1974.
- (18) CERVANTES. Don Quixote. 1980
- (67+71) CHATEAUBRIAND. Mémoires d'outre-tombe. 1976-1981.
- (209+210) CHATEAUBRIAND. Novels and travels. 1969.
- (272) CHATEAUBRIAND. Essay on revolutions. Genie du christianisme. 1978. Without dust jacket and rhodoid.
- (57) CHENIER. Complete works. 1966.
- (19) CORNEILLE. Théâtre complet Tome I seul. 1966.
- (221) CROS, CORBIERE. Complete works. 1970.
- (182) DANTE. Complete works. 1979
- (138) DEFOE. Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 1972.
- (214) DEFOE. Moll Flanders. 1969.
- (40) DESCARTES. Works and letters. 1970.
- (25) DIDEROT. Works. 1978.
- (211) DOSTOIEVSKI. Stories, chronicles and polemics. 1969.
- (91) DOSTOYEVSKY. The Brothers Karamazov. 1977.
- (111) DOSTOYEVSKY. The Demons. 1976.
- (83) DOSTOYEVSKY. Crime and Punishment. 1973.
- (119) DOSTOYEVSKY. The Adolescent. 1972.
- (234) DOSTOYEVSKY. Diary of a Writer. 1972.
- (94) DOSTOIEVSKI. The Idiot. 1977.
- (159) DUMAS. The Three Musketeers Twenty Years Later. 1977.
- (200+201) ELUARD. Complete works I and II. 2 vols. 1971-1972.
- (36+47) FLAUBERT. OEuvres. I et II. 2 vols. 1977-1979.
- (230+237+256+268+285) GIONO. Complete works of fiction. 5 vols. 1973-1980.
- (189+207) HEMINGWAY. Complete works of fiction. 1972 and 1969.
- (202) ROMAN HISTORIANS. Titus Livius, Sallustus. 1968.
- (203) ROMAN HISTORIANS. Caesar. 1968.
- (115) HOMER. Illiad. Odyssey. 1968.
- (166+1970) HUGO. Theater I and II. 2 vols. 1967-1979.
- (85) HUGO. Les misérables. 1956.
- (82) HUGO. The legend of the centuries. 1955.
- (236) JARRY. Complete works. Vol. I alone. 1976.
- (320+321) JIN PING MEI or Flower in Golden Vial I and II. 2 vols. 1985.
- (264+282) KAFKA. Complete works I and II. 2 vols. 1980.
- (23) LA BRUYERE. Complete works. 1967.
- (6) LACLOS. Complete works. 1967.
- (62) LA FONTAINE. Miscellaneous works. 1968.
- (10) LA FONTAINE. Complete works. Volume I only. 1975.
- (65) LAMARTINE. OEuvres poétiques. 1977.
- (24) LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Complete works. 1973.
- (218) LAUTREAMONT, G. NOUVEAU. Complete works. 1970.
- (92) MACHIAVELLI. Complete works. 1964.
- (65) MALLARME. Complete works. 1974.
- (70) MALRAUX. Romans. 1976.
- (233) MARIVAUX. Early works. 1972.
- (79) MARIVAUX. Théâtre complet. 1972.
- (78) MARIVAUX. Novels. 1966.
- (164+204) Karl MARX. Works. Economics I and II. 2 vols. 1972.
- (253) MAUPASSANT. Contes et nouvelles. Vol. I only. 1974.
- (55+56). MICHELET. History of the French Revolution. 1952. 1952 (No dust jacket, no rhodoïd, bindings rubbed, one head cap frayed and upper hinge cracked).
- (8+9) MOLIERE. Complete works I and II. 2 vols. 1956.
- (14) MONTAIGNE. Complete works. 1980.
- (81+86) MONTESQUIEU. Complete works I and II. 2 vols. 1973-1976.
- (106) MONTHERLANT. Théâtre. 1972.
- (34) PASCAL. Complete works. 1976.
- (58+64) PLATON. Complete works I and II. 2 vols. 1977.
- (2) POE. Complete works. 1975.
- (100+101+102) PROUST. In Search of Lost Time, I, II and III. 3 vols. 1966-1980.
- (15) RABELAIS. Complete works. 1955.
- (5+90) RACINE. Complete works I and II. Théâtre-Poésies. Prose. 2 vols. 1976 and 1966.
- (222+225) Jules RENARD. OEuvres I et II. 2 vols. 1970-1971.
- (185) Jules RENARD. Journal 1887-1910. 1977.
- (11+153+169+208) ROUSSEAU. Complete works I to IV. 1976, 1969, 1975 and 1969.
- (45+46) RONSARD. Complete works I and II. 1972-1976.
- (240) SAINT-JOHN PERSE. Complete works. 1972.
- (50) SHAKESPEARE. Complete works. Vol. I only.1978.
- (4+13) STENDHAL.Novels I and II. 2 vols. 1977 and 1968.
- (158+196+199) STENDHAL. Correspondances I à III. 3 vols. 1968, 1967, 1968 (1 vol. without dust jacket).
- (249) STENDHAL. Travels in Italy. 1973.
- (66) TOLSTOI. War and peace. 1972.
- (87) TOLSTOI. Anna Karenina. Resurrection. 1972.
- (149) TOLSTOI. Memories and stories. 1968.
- (239) VERLAINE. Complete prose works. 1972.
- (3) VOLTAIRE. Romans et contes. 1979.
- (128) VOLTAIRE. Historical works. 1968.
- (162+181+259+270+280+297) VOLTAIRE. Correspondence I to VI. 6 vols. 1975-1980.
- (262). ZOLA. Contes et nouvelles. 1976.
- (146+154+173+187+194) ZOLA. Les Rougon-Macquart I to V.
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